Breeder of health tested coloured Standard Poodles and Devon Rex cats.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
1st vaccination
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Kitten update
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Pups in their new homes

Wednesday, 3 September 2008
This is Martha, she is the puppy I will be keeping. All the others have now found new homes and with the exception of Inga (who is waiting to be collected when her mum comes back from holiday) they have all settled in well. All pups travelled long distances to their new homes and most reported good journeys - typical I appear to have kept the bad traveller, I took Martha for her 1st car ride today and she was soaked with saliva and vomited twice within 5 minutes!
I am looking forward to photos of the puppies in their new homes in due course and will post the occasional update on here.
Friday, 8 August 2008
First appointment at the hairdressers.
6 Weeks old today so decided to start clipping some of the pups. Some will be going to their new homes in a little over a week so I will leave clipping them until they are about to go. Those that were clipped behaved beautifully- a little shocked I think, next time they will know what's coming and may not sit quite so still.
They have all got fantastic coats now and they all move like a dream.
Their personalities are developing well now, some are naughtier than others (Magnus' owners have got a real rascal!). All are bold little puppies and getting through a doorway without a puppy following is becoming more and more of a challenge.
I still have two boys looking for their new homes, it's such a shame as they are gorgeous, but all the recent enquiries have been for bitches.
Taking photos is also becoming tricky as they don't stay still, but I did manage a couple which show the colour change.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Learning about the outside world
The pups have started to discover the great outdoors and the fact that there are dogs other than poodles! Purdie( our GSD) is proving to be just as good as an auntie as she was a mum. Although they love exploring new surroundings their stamina leaves something to be desired. We have had visits from some of the pups new owners, who have travelled for several hours, and after 10/15mins all they had to look at was sleeping babies!!
Their coats are continuing to show subtle signs of going silver particularly around the head and feet, but even their bodies have taken on a blueish shade- can't wait to see them after their first bath and clip. It might help me decide who I am going to keep.
Dollar has had a rough couple of days, yesterday morning everything was fine but early evening she developed acute mastitis, huge swollen teat, temp approaching 105 and shivering, rushed her to the vets where she was given the relevant treatments and after a further visit today she appears more comfortable. Through all this she has chosen to continue to nurse her babies who continue to thrive.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Video footage
My Montage 7/18/08
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Developing nicely
Mum and babies are doing very well, Dollar is proving to be a devoted mum and is still spending most of her time feeding and cleaning her puppies- she doesn't even seem that worried about missing her walks at the moment (though with the weather as it is I'm not really surprised). The other dogs are very keen to say hello to the pups but Dollar is not allowing that yet.
The puppies have just started to open their eyes and they are getting up on their legs now, a bit wobbly still but getting stronger every day. They still look like black puppies but if you look carefully you can see they are slightly lighter in colour around the eyes and near the nose and the underside of their feet are silver.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Poodle puppies
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Quieter now?
Saturday, 7 June 2008
leaving home
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Ears are on the way up!
Puppies are continuing to grow at an alarming rate- eating me out of house and home. Their appearance is also changing- they are far heavier now, real chunky monkeys and their ears have started to prick. They are into everything, my daughter is learning the hard way that anything left in their reach gets chewed.
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Dangerous Brian- the Albino kitten.
Getting more active
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Purdies Family
Anyone interested in having one of these fantastic puppies is welcome to contact me, details on my website