At last Rhonda has come into season, so she will be mated to the apricot dog, CHTaladayga the Entertainer when she is ready. This is to be her 3rd and last litter. She is a very affectionate dog and has given me some lovely pups, so hopefully this litter will be equally good. Typically Dollar has chosen the same day to come in season, and although I would not normaly have two litters together I intend to mate her as well, as I have had a lot of people enquire about a pup from Dollar and it is two years since she produced the litter that gave me Martha. Again this will be a rep

eat mating, to Ch Lemerle Remmington Steele.

Miss Gatsbys kittens are now up and about, and starting to look like cute kittens rather than aliens! (although alot would say they still look like aliens when fully growm). They are taking an interest in the world around them and I don't think it will be long before they venture outside the nest box. I am already finding myself drawn to one of the girls, who even at this age is looking to be very bold - I hope she finds a home quickly :-). I am now taking enquiries on this litter.
Here he is, Betty's pup - Clive, as yet not much to see on a photo but it's a start.