We had another lovely day out today when a friend and I took Dollar, Spirit and Audrey down to Cornwall to catch up with Frankie (my blind pup from last year) and Fiki one of Dollars pups from last year along with their owner Mary and her Std boy Zuri and toy, Ebby.
I don't think that the girls recognized each other but Zuri was more than happy to have more girls join his harem and the youngsters had a fantastic time racing around the fields in the rain. Meanwhile Audrey and Dollar enjoyed a rather more sedate stroll with regular treat stops (I think they may have had 1 or 2 too many judging by the smell in my lounge at the moment, lol).
All the Devon kittens have now been homed, including the torti girl that I was very tempted to keep. There is just one little torti sphynx girl still available. Please give me a ring if you would like further information about her