Mini Me is a very content blob, really hard to get pictures of her at the moment as she just blends into her mum. It will be nice, when she is big enough, to put her in to play with Miss T's babies.
Tiffany is keeping me on my toes, she just has no fear, particularly of heights and charges up and down stairs, a couple of days ago I looked out of the kitchen window, to see her happily standing on top of our garden table (I assume she climbed onto the bench and then the table?) Of course, as soon as she saw me , coming to 'rescue' her, she took a huge leap off the table and ran over to tell me all about it. She certainly has spirit!
She is currently suffering with watery eyes, no doubt due to teething as the bridge of her nose is also a bit swollen, Dime was exactly the same as a pup, but as soon as the puppy teeth started to come out, her eyes went back to normal.
All the pups are reported to be settling well, most have now pretty much got housetraining sussed and some have started going on walks and puppy classes, thank you to all who have taken the time to give me updates and photos, they are so appreciated.
I have been reminded about organising an Itzapromise re union, I had, to be honest, forgotten about it as I have been pre occupied with pups and kittens, but it is something I would like to proceed with. I was thinking maybe sometime in the Summer holidays, it will be in Devon, though will have to put some thought into a suitable venue depending on how many express an interest, thoughts, ideas are very welcome