Title applies twice over, we have just two gorgeous boys still waiting for the right homes and Betty now has two tiny pups.
It is such a shame the two boys are still here, they are the most affectionate little lads and desparatly want a home where they can be centre af attention. They are almost housetrained now and will be going for their first vaccinations at the end of this week.
Betty had her pups on 11.04.09. She has had a pale apricot girl and a jet black boy. As expected they are both very small (but incredibly fat) as Betty is only 8" tall and Alfie is 10". Both were booked before they were born but as so often is the case, the gentleman who wanted the boy couldn't wait and found another pup but didn't have the manners to let me know! I can understand people changing their mind and at this early stage it isn't an issue for me but I do get fed up with people not telling me. It is the same when I get email enquiries, I spend the time to reply with as much information as possible and they can't even manage a thanks but no thanks, very frustrating.
Anyway, mum and pups are doing very well, pups are 24hr eating machines! They are not very easy to photograph at the moment as; a- the black one doesnt show up very well and b- Betty is very protctive of them and wraps herself around them, but I have got a
couple of shots even if they are not great,
1 comment:
Awww, that last one of the tinies looks like a Yin&Yang symbol!
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