It was all going a bit too well, so I decided to make it harder for myself by worming with the pups with panacur liquid (a product I don't usualy use) and within 12 hours I had 8 pups with very runny tummies! This was not too much of a problem for the first few hours but when I came down to the pups first thimg in the morning the smell almost knocked me out and I wanted tongs to get the pups out :-).
Fortunatly the pups appear to have stayed well throughout, although a little quieter than normal. They are being treated with a combination of slippery elm and probiotics which are starting to improve things although we are not yet home and dry.
Due to the smell the pups had a bath and blow dry this morning which has made us all feel more comfortable, so they are all looking very pretty this morning.
Most of the pups have super homes waiting for them now, mainly to agility and shooting homes (they were introduced to wing feathers of woodcock, snipe and pheasant this morning courtesy of their fathers owner). We have 3 boys left, although we have someone interested in 2 of them who is just waiting to arrange a visit, so possibly just 1 little boy to go.
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