Miss Gatsby and her kittens are doing very well. About 24 hours after having the kittens, mum got a little stressy about it all, wanted to hide her babies and wasn't settling to feed them as well as I would have liked, but it wasn't long before she was much happier and now she is a pretty chilled mum.
The kittens are growing well, obviously there is no indication of any charactor traits that they may have but a couple have really nice coats at the moment. They are all fat as butter and very content. One of the girls has had her eyes open for a couple of days already and the other girl is just starting to open hers, the boys are typical boys and can't be bothered to open theirs yet. The girls are the two dark kittens the blue and the other pale coloured one are boys.
How Ugly are they...LOL :-) They look like aliens ..ha ha ha
I think you'll find Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :-)
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