Thursday, 23 June 2011

First bath and clip

Dillis babies had their first bath and clip today. They are still all waiting to find their new families.

The kittens are coming on well, Miss Tibbs babies are on the point of leaving their nest box and Sybils have just opened their eyes.

Apologies for not writing much at the moment, but had a toe amputated on Monday and I'm currently on some fairly heavy duty pain relief as having one or two problems.


SW said...

Hi Jane!
Oh...sorry to hear you have problems..hope it improves soon! Just to say that the little chaps look even more cute now ...what gorgeous little faces they have!!! I think that they are utterly adorable, and hope that they find some new (very loving and caring) homes-to-be soon.

georgiebee said...

Hi Jane,
Sarah's brought me here!..;o) I'm also sorry to hear about your toe:( I watched that being done last night on the telly!!...I hope that things are easier for you soon.
The puppies are adorable! and the kittens that have just opened their eyes!...
As for Purdie!!...simply gorgeous!!
All the best, Georgie.

georgiebee said...
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georgiebee said...

Sorry Jane I removed thecomment because it appeared twice!?..and I didn't do it twice!?
Thought you'd like to know..;o)

Jane Rowden said...

Hi Sarah/Georgie

Pups were good as gold to bath and clip, second time probably won't be so easy as they'll know what's coming :-)

Georgie - wish i'de seen that programme, didn't want to watch when they did mine but would have been interesting to watch someone elses!

Manda Benson said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Jane. Are you advertising Dilli's puppies as being parti carriers? Someone trying to breed partis might be interested as the gene pool is limited at the moment and it's useful to have new blood coming in. Just an idea. Hope little lads find owners soon. :-)

Jane Rowden said...

Yes these pups should be parti carriers as mum is from strong parti lines.

Hooch n Troops said...

wow great socialising opportunity with kittens and puppies! lol...still loving the pups piccies and videos..hope u r getting applications for homes for them :) x

Ariadna said...

Your kitten are very beautiful I like all of them. I.m looking for my breading programe chocolade girl I have very nice chocolad boy imported from russia and i nead for him nice girl do Your chocolade girl is still aviable for breading. I.m leaving in poland I.m breading devon rex and sphynx The are page of my caterry:

Ariadna said...

Your kitten are very beautiful I like all of them. I.m looking for my breading programe chocolade girl I have very nice chocolad boy imported from russia and i nead for him nice girl do Your chocolade girl is still aviable for breading. I.m leaving in poland I.m breading devon rex and sphynx The are page of my caterry:

Flo said...

Hooray! The chocalate kitten is coming home with us I cant wait to snuggle her.Give her a kiss from Flo,Prue,Betty and Fred.

Thank you for letting her come and stay with us.I am very proud that Ichose her name.It is Pixie.Love Flo and Kate.x