Monday, 25 July 2011

Audreys 1st Agility Lesson

After a break of several years, I have at last found a local agility club. Tonight was our first lesson, it was very simple but is hopefully the start of a good grounding in the sport. We both enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week:-)


mary e. said...

Last Sat I got the tunnel out in the garden - pups have not seen it before- Zurie Ebs + Caspurr immediately started playing chase throo it- I just left Fiki + Frankie to join in if they wished- amazingly it was Frankie who loved it best! Fiki was much more reserved about it! Great fun tho- all the best with Audrey+ agility

Jane Rowden said...

Audrey was a complete woos with the tunnel, got through a bucket load of treats to get her through it, clever girl :-)
Do you think the poor eyesight helped Frankie in some way or was she just a bit bolder?

Thorsten said...

Going underneath anything lower than head height? Charley's not having any of that, thankyouverymuch! It can be a pain in the wossname, but it also means he's easily contained in a fenced field, so I'm not keen on teaching him otherwise. :-)

mary e. said...

I think Frankie has to be bolder to make up for her impaired sight- she saw Zurie etc were happy with it so just followed their example.Fiki is more sensitive generally but she went throo after I shut the rest of the mob the other side of the gate.
I was surprised at Frankie's enthusiasm for it tho.