Last week I had my bestest friend, Rosie, visiting. She very kindly offered to do a couple of group shots of my girls (and Alf) which involved careful positioning of each of the individual dogs on her special photographic background, after which she would put the pictures on her pc, work some magic and present me with the group shots!
So prior to her visit I spent the week getting all the girls clipped and bathed for the photos, a lot of work, but well worth the effort when you see the finished article. Spirit now takes approx 2 1/2 hours to bath and dry but I had managed to tie in a visit to her very talented breeder/groomer for her 1st big girl clip. All the shots that Rosie needed were taken on Thursday, unfortunately my camera developed a focus problem so I couldn't take any pictures myself, then on Friday we did a two hour drive to get her scissored, she looked phenomenal by the end of her groom, but as it was dark and wet when we got home, Rosie couldn't take any pictures (my lounge is full of boxes at the moment so no room for photos) and she had to leave 1st thing Sat morning. So after all that effort and the expense of traveling for a professional groom, I didn't get 1 picture :-(
Rosie doesn't know it yet but I have a number of people interested in paying her for some shots when she next visits, so I hope she can make it a long visit :-) I am absolutely thrilled with the shots that she took for me, she is a very clever lady.
Spirit is such a stunning girl - and always so happy.
Rosies photos are amazing - very professional - deinately deserve a spce on the wall
The pictures Rosie took were amazing (as the number of viewings, comments and favourites on Flickr show!!)...and so, of course, are all your girls (+ Alfie!)
Spirit is definitely supermodel material, and obviously has an army of fans!!(...and I am at the top of the list, along with Mary!!)
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