Friday, 7 February 2014

Not long now

Next week I get to collect Morse, I can't wait to meet him for the first time. Initially I booked him because of his colour possibilities, combined with what is a very nice clean pedigree, but on top of that he is a very smart looking boy, with a good shape and lovely head. Add into the mix all the work that Big Cheyenne poodles has put into socialising him and getting him ready for his new life, I really couldn't be happier with him.

I am meeting Morse's breeder, Sabine, in Calais and this is where I shall also be waving Steve goodbye, as he starts his new life with Signe (and Sally her std poodle), in Denmark. This little kitten has been a character right from the start, he has a big facebook following and I know that everyone will be pleased to know that there will be regular FB updates from his new mum. The one thing that is making me look forward to his departure is that Margo has started calling, and having been well and truly caught out by Gary and Diva, when they were just kittens, a few years ago, I am not allowing them any contact! Needless to say, no one is finding this arrangement much fun.

I am hopeful that we may have some Devon kittens on the way, Sybil was mated nearly 5 weeks ago and as yet hasn't called again, she looks pregnant, but then again, Sybil always looks pregnant, lol. Bob was also mated a couple of weeks ago, hopefully she will do slightly better on the numbers this time as her last litter consisted of just 1 kitten, but she was stunning so that made up for lack of numbers.

We had sunny morning yesterday, so I took the opportunity to get a few pics of dry poodles (dry poodles have been a rare sight here over the last few months), I have attached a few of the pictures, but as always you can see many more if you click the link to my flickr page, on the right of this page.

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