Scary evening last night, Dollar had her dinner at about 5pm tonight, within minutes she started shivering and her tummy started to swell, we were at the vets within 20 minutes where my fantastic vets and nurses spent the next 2 hours confirming that she had bloated and then relieving the bloat. Very fortunately her stomach hadn't twisted, she was a complete star and without sedation allowed the vets to pass a stomach tube to relieve the pressure. She is home now and a lot more comfortable than she was, though she is not yet completely out of the woods and is feeling very sorry for herself. I will be discussing gastro pexy (stapling the stomach to the wall of the abdomen) with my vets as once they have bloated they are predisposed to doing it again and although the stapling won't stop the bloating it will prevent the torsion (twisting of the stomach) which is the most dangerous part of bloat. This was Dollar on yesterdays walk, full of the joys -

And this is her yesterday after our evening at the vets
Standard poodles are one of the breeds that are prone to bloat, please research this condition because if it strikes, sped is of the essence and untreated can be fatal, often within hours, you are far better having a wasted trip to the vets than a dead dog in the morning. This chart may be of use -
Wow ): had to have been so scary. Relieved to hear Dollar is ok!
Get well soon, Dollar!
Sophie (1 of your daughters)
Thank you both, Dollar is absolutely fine at the moment :)
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