Confession time, Beetle was not meant to have this litter, she already had a litter in Feb this year and that should have been it, but she had other ideas. We have no idea how she got out, we have locks on all the windows and we have screen doors, but she is like a blinking ninja and 9 weeks later this is the result! This will be Beetles last litter, she will be spayed once these babies are weaned, but for now I would like to introduce you to her new family. At 1st glance we have a classic tabby male, the others are all female (subject to Emily confirming!) a chocolate spotted tabby, a solid chocolate and a naked black
Bernards babies are now at the fast as lightning and naughty as naughty things stage. The silver and white girl and the red boy are still available, please contact me/fill in application for, (link on the right) if you are interested in either of them or any of Beetle kittens.
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