Saturday, 1 May 2021


 Today I should have been announcing the birth of Florins puppies, instead I find myself mourning 4 babies who made it all the way through pregnancy only to fall at the last hurdle. Florin is stressed but physically fine. Not only am I very upset for Florin and myself, I'm also upset for those families who have waited so long for these puppies. Florin was checked by the vet this morning and there is no reason to suspect that this will happen again, so assuming all is well on her next season, we will try again. 


Leo said...

Oh no, sorry to hear this awful news. Poor Florin��

John Jeffery said...

So sad. We came across four wonderful itszas at Saunton today. I converted the two gentle giant silver greys.

John and Ali

Unknown said...

Very sad news, Jane. Sorry to hear it. Rob

Moya said...

I’m so sorry to read this news. She is beautiful and hope all goes well in the future.

Pippi said...

Oh no, so sorry to read this!! Sending best wishes for the future xx

Pippi said...

Oh no, so sorry to read this!! Sending best wishes for the future xx

Pippi said...

Oh no, so sorry to read this!! Sending best wishes for the future xx