Tuesday, 12 April 2022

A bit of drama

 Yesterday we managed to lose Kenji, at first there was no real panic as she is very adept at hiding away, but eventually it became obvious that she must have somehow got outside. With this in mind the rest of the evening involved knocking on neighbours doors, going out in the rain with torches looking for her and generally getting increasingly stressed about her location and welfare. 

The only diversion we had from looking for her was dropping my van to a garage 8 miles away, leaving it outside their premises so they could carry out some work on it today. 

After a broken night involving more searches we had a phone call at about 8am today from our mechanic asking if we were missing a cat as he had driven the van into his workshop, lifted the bonnet to have the life scared out of him by finding a freaky looking cat staring out at him! 

After a drive that may have involved breaking a speed limit or two we got to the garage and found a not terribly distressed Kenji still in the vans engine bay, from which she was unceremoniously removed and safely contained in a cat basket. She was so lucky, she could have been killed or seriously hurt if she had sat in the wrong past of the engine bay, she could have fallen out on the drive to the garage, or she could have simply left the van overnight and got lost in a totally unfamiliar area (I think it was a blessing that it rained last night as her spot in the van would have been warm and dry). 

She is now back home and you wouldn't know anything had happened. She has never wanted to go out before and I suspect that she won't be overly keen to repeat the experience!

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