Since the pups have been on solids they have become proper playful pups :-) All are tucking into their food with enthusiasm and all are now chunky little pups with the larger apricot pups now being a similar size to the smaller silvers.

On the subject of silver pups, at the beginning of this week I took a proper look at the colour of Dollars pups and it turns out that only 3 of the pups are silver, the remaining 5 are blues. This has caused 1 lady to change her mind about having a pup so there is now a blue girl available along with one blue boy. There is much confusion about the colour blue, largely caused by people calling bad blacks blue. Blue, to my mind, is a deeper grey than silver and it has a blue hue to it, it is not a steel or grizzled black colour. Here is a link to a true blue
Blue Poodle.which I have permission to use, I am hoping to receive some puppy and changing coat pictures to put up as well. The blues do take longer to reach their final colour, 2 to 4 years, but I think they are beautiful and worth the wait.
We still have 2 apricot boys and one apricot girl looking for homes, they are cracking little pups and have inherited their mums happy friendly nature.
Spirit is proving to be a wonderful Auntie, despite only being 7 months old she shows amazing self control with the babies and is very gentle with them, to the point that she will happily let them crawl all over her when she lies down.
Miss T's kittens are all doing well and I will try and get some more photos in the next few days.
Gorgeous pictures again, Jane! Love watching the pups in that cat box...they seem to love it and it must be like sardines in there!! Spirit is just amazing with them all. The blue dog looks stunning too, I had never seen one before.
Thank you Sarah. Both the demolished cat scratch post and cat tunnel have proved to be very popular (though Bertha isn't going to fit through it for much longer)
As I said in my blog the blues do seem to be a very misunderstood colour so I was pleased to be able to put the link in, yes I agree, she is stunning
great pics jane! And what Fab puppies!!!!
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