Saturday 24 August 2019

R.I.P Spirit

R.I.P Spirit. This morning was truly awful, I came downstairs to see to the dogs and found that Spirit had bloated, her stomach was completely distended, despite getting her to the vets in less than 20 minutes and surgery starting pretty much immediately, the damage was too great and she died under anaesthetic. Spirit was a huge character, as a puppy she was foul, such a determined and stroppy madam, but as she grew she was just the easiest girl to live with, never a problem to anyone or anything. Famous for her facial expressions, her lack of interest in any ball games and her aversion to water I know that many people will have very fond memories of her. She was just 8 years old, never had a days illness in her life, she should have had a good few years left, life sucks sometimes.

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