Thursday 2 July 2020

Just ticking along

Yesterday we took advantage of relaxation of lockdown rules and, knowing it would be quiet, visited a beautiful North Devon beach with a friend and her 4 poodles, including a 16 year old who did the whole 6 mile walk with us!! These are some of the pictures I took, we all had a wonderful few hours. Although it wasn't sunny it was warm with just a nice breeze and remained dry :)

Beetle is now 5 weeks pregnant, so we hope to have kittens at the very beginning of August. 


John Jeffery said...

You were at Saunton. How annoying we were probably there and could have said hello and seen your gorgeous dogs.
Best wishes

John and Ali

Jane Rowden said...

We try and visit Saunton several times a year, my favourite beach for the dogs, just hoping the council doesn't implement the proposed seasonal dog ban.