Tuesday 22 September 2020

End of an era

 Today marks the end of an era as we said goodbye to my last toy poodle, Alfie. I know a lot of people will only have known him as a pretty bedraggled little man, but prior to the cushings disease (which he had for many years ) he was a stunning boy. One of the soundest and most cheerful toy poodles you could wish to meet, bold as brass and absolutely bursting with character which is how he remained his whole life. He was git to to the big dogs but was never slow to cuddle up to them when he felt a bit chilly, if there is an afterlife he will no doubt be off to find his best buddy, Purdie, now (he always had an eye for a good looking girl  ) Going to be very strange here without him. RIP Alfie x

1 comment:

aj said...

Reading so much about Audrey read on to find you have also lost Alfie, he was a little treasure xxx