Wednesday 6 April 2022

Whoopi and kittens

 As most know Whoopi had an accident as a puppy that has left her with some minor disabilities. Since she had her puppies she had become much quieter on walks and just in general, I had put this down to recovering from rearing such a large litter, but then I noted that she wasn't extending fully on the move and at this point I decided to take her to a McTimoney chiropractor. She had her 1st session a couple of weeks ago and I have to admit I was sceptical that the barely perceptible tweaks given as treatment would do anything, but how wrong I was. Since the treatment her gait has improved as has her general demeanour, she is back to behaving like the 3 year old dog she is, rather than a late middle aged dog. Yesterday she had another session, which will hopefully further improve her comfort (I have to stress that she was not lame, she just wasn't right), this time the chiropractor also concentrated on her jaw and neck, Whoopi has always had an odd way of eating she sort of picks the food up with her front teeth and then swallows it almost in the way a person would swallow a tablet and is very slow by comparison to the other dogs, this morning she easily finished her breakfast before the other dogs, something that has never happened in her lifetime. I guess I'm putting this post up for anyone who thinks their dog may have a physical problem as I would certainly recommend this form of chiropractor. I hadn't realised that the little things I saw as just being a part of Whoopi post accident could be helped. 

This year I am planning on 2 litters of kittens, one each from Bernard and Kenji. Both will be visiting Fawlty this month meaning we should have some fab kittens sometime in june. 

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