Tuesday 7 December 2021

We have puppies :)

 For the last week I have been sleeping on the lounge floor in order to monitor Florin whilst waiting for her to whelp. Sunday night was uneventful, and having taken her temp twice a day for over a week (a bitches temp should drop to below 98 degrees 24 hrs before whelping) I knew that her temp had remained stable, interestingly I learnt that her normal body temp is between 98.4 and 99.2 which is low, probably due to her being an exceptionally fit dog. Monday morning Florin happily went out in the garden at about 7am for her ablutions, she came back in desperate for her breakfast which she wolfed down in seconds, this was at about 7:20am. After her breakfast I was just giving her a quick fuss and felt a tremor go through her body, so we went back to the lounge where everything was set up for the pups arrival. Within minutes she was panting and pushing, the 1st puppy arrived at 7:40 am! It would appear that Florin hadn't read any of the books on signs of impending labour, lol. 

Anyway, the net result is a massive litter of, drum roll, 2! She has 1 girl and 1 boy, both of which have homes waiting for them.  I know this is going to be disappointing to so many people, but if you were waiting for a puppy please drop me a line as there is likely to be an option b :) 


Leo said...

Bless her and her teeny tiny litter. She looks so pleased in the last photo!

Fiona said...

How did I miss this! Congratulations!